Monday, October 1, 2012

Peter and Nong in Kuching

Peter and his Thai architect Nong were in Kuching for three days and visited the property to survey and take site measurements.

Here are some photos from the trip ...

Looking at the back of the house ...

Planning the measurements ...

"This tree will have to go ..."

Measuring ...

More measurements ...

"We will raise the ground level there .."

Enjoying some kolo mee after the site visit ...

Designs in Progress

Over the past few months, we have been liaising with Peter of Magnusprojects on the design of the new house. After many iterations, we have agreed on a rough plan and Peter has rendered several perspectives for us to view.

Here are some samples ...

First we have the front view, showing the main entrance. The car porch is located on the right side.

The next two pictures show the back view of the house, one by day and the other in the evening.

Then the dining area with the high ceiling.

Finally the living area. No, I'm not that much of a monarchist. That was one of Peter's designers' idea and the picture will definitely not be of Liz  :-)

That's it for now. More photos later.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Photos Inside House - June 2012

Here are a few shots taken in the living and dining area on the ground floor.

 Fig 1: Dining table

 Fig 2: Upstairs door to front balcony

 Fig 3: Close up view

 Fig 4: Door to side balcony

 Fig 5: The old dining table (from Grandpa & Grandma's time)

Fig 6

Friday, June 8, 2012

Still More Photos - June 2012

Continuing from the other post ...

Fig 1: Welcome to No 48 ...

Fig 2: View from the Gate

Fig 3: Another view of main entrance to house

Fig 4: The side has just enough space to park a car

Fig 5: Grass is about 2 feet tall after just 2 months

Fig 6: From one edge of the garden

Fig 7: Nice car, the Perodua Myvi ...

Monday, June 4, 2012

More Photos - June 2012

I recently went back to Kuching and visited the house again. Here are some new photos I took ...

Fig 1: Front view of house

Fig 2: Boy, doesn't the grass grow quickly !

Fig 3: The front door

Fig 4

Fig 5: View of the neighbour's house

Fig 6: The garden (to the left of house)

Fig 7: Another view of the house

Fig 8: Close up of Side of House

Fig 9: View from field behind the house

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Early Redesign Thoughts (Part 2)

Continuing from our own amateur redesign thoughts, here are some perspectives we played around with (at least on the computer). Again all these are possibilities and we have not decided which (if any) the final structure will resemble.

Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4

Fig 5

Fig 6

Well, that's it for now. No doubt, we'll be coming up with other variations or combinations of those designs reflected. My current inclination is towards something like (A) or (B), with some elements of (E) included. But we shall see what my friend Peter suggests ...

Friday, March 9, 2012

Early Redesign Thoughts (Part 1)

We've been spending a lot of time thinking about how to redesign and transform the property into something that meets our needs and preferences.

Here's a short (and definitely incomplete!) list of what we think we want. And as typical consumers, we reserve the right to be fickle and change our minds when we see something nicer :-)

*  Large kitchen with island top in middle
*  Large library + study + discussion area
*  High ceiling in part of house
*  Large master bedroom with attached bathroom & walk-in wardrobe
*  Spacious living room
*  Dining room with table to seat at least 8 people
*  Father's suite on ground floor
*  Larger cemented area in front for easier car movement
*  Landscaped garden with nice central feature
*  Tall solid wall (at least 7 feet high) around property

Here are some of our early thoughts on what can be ...

Let me share first the draft plans (these are my own amateur drafts - not to scale - with estimated dimensions). I must emphasise that these plans are absolutely NOT cast in stone. It is only a very early concept, and I am sure that you will see enhanced designs later.

Fig 1

Fig 2

Fig 3

Fig 4

Fig 5

OK, that's it for now. More in the next posting ...